Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery

History of Diversity Immigrant Visa

The Diversity Immigrant Visa program, also known as the green card lottery, is a United States government lottery program for receiving the United States Permanent Resident Card. The Immigration Act of 1990 established the current and permanent Diversity Visa (DV) program.

The lottery is administered by the Department of State and conducted under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). It makes available 50,000 immigrant visas annually and aims to diversify the immigrant population in the United States, by selecting applicants from countries with low numbers of immigrants in the previous five
 years. As of 2017, around 20 million people apply for the lottery each year.
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Enter the Diversity Visa Lottery FREE OF CHARGE

Paying money will NOT increase your chance of winning the lottery. Please click on the link below to enter the Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery completely FREE OF CHARGE:

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